Keycon 18 Survey

Fill it out, please!

We're hoping to make each Keycon better... so please fill in the following form, and click "submit" to let us know what you really thought of Keycon 18. Remember, *all* questions are optional, so don't feel you need to fill in anything you don't want to, or have an opinion on. However, if you would like a particular concern addressed, make sure to include your contact information! Any questions or other comments can be directed to

What is your name?

What is your address?

What is your e-mail address?

Are you affiliated with any science fiction / fantasy / historical clubs or organizations? Which one(s)? (This might include anything from a traditional fan club to the SCA or a LARP troupe, etc.)

Was Keycon 18 your first convention?
Yes  No
If not, what other cons have you been to?

What programming did you attend at Keycon 18?  
     Opening Ceremonies/Ice Cream Social Yes  No
     Masquerade Yes  No
     Social Yes  No
     Art Show/Auction Yes  No
     Closing Ceremonies Yes  No
     Gaming Yes  No
     LARP Yes  No
     Panels (please list)

     Hospitality Suites (please list)

What was your favourite event at Keycon 18?

What was your favourite event at any convention?

What events would you like to see at next year's Keycon?

What games would you like to see in the gaming room next year?

Did you miss the Dealers' Room at this year's con?
Yes  No
If yes, what type of dealers would you like to see at next year's con?

What was your favourite part of the convention?

What was your least favourite part of the convention?

What final suggestions do you have for the Keycon 18 staff?



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