
Get 'Em While They're Cheap!!

It's not too late to get your membership at a reduced price for the upcoming Keycon! Right now, it's only $30.00 to get an Adult membership up until the end of December. So get 'em while you can and that way you can ready in advance to go to all the programming and events and suites to fill your heart's desire.

Because after the New Year begins, memberships are $40.00... and then at the con itself they are $50.00... so, the best suggestion I have is to get it before the end of December. (That's usually what I get with some of my Christmas gift money ^_^)

Just another reminder to all those LARPers out there - I know it's been mentioned before, but you might want to try the rest of the con this year.. buy a full membership now, and that gets you in the door for all the other fun stuff... Just imagine, being up during daylight!!!

Children's, Day, and LARP passes will also be available - but buy a full membership now for your best value!

Purchase by Mail

To purchase your membership, just print out the membership form, and mail with your payment - cheque, money order, Visa, or MasterCard, (Americans please pay by money order in Canadian funds) please, to:

Keycon 19
P.O. Box 3178
Winnipeg, MB R3C 4E6

Purchase in Person...

You can pick up your membership at any one of the following retailers:

In Winnipeg:

Pendragon Games & Hobbies
516 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg MB R3C 0G2
204-772-5458 (fax)

Face Off Sportscards
3043 Ness Avenue
Winnipeg MB R2Y 0G1

Galaxy Comics & Collectibles
200-1109 Henderson Highway
Winnipeg MB R2G 1L4



Candace Harborne

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