Guest Biographies

Pete Abrams

I don't have a biography of Pete Abrams. I can tell you that he is the creative talent behind the online-only comic strip Sluggy Freelance, located at For now, you can check out the strip (Is it not nifty?); you'll want to start right at the beginning and read all the way through, so look for the new viewers' guide. Plus you can find out more about the strip, and the people who, with Pete, are responsible for bringing it to the Internet, at is a lot of behind the scenes info at that address, including a lot of FAQs which will give you an idea why Pete will be such a cool guest.

Charles de Lint

Charles de Lint is a well-known Canadian author, best known for his fantasy stories and novels. While his earlier works were in a traditional fantasy setting, he has since gained specific recognition for his contemporary and urban fantasy, and has also published science fiction, horror, poetry, columns and reviews. His accolades include an Aurora Award for Jack, The Giant Killer, a Homer Award for The Little Country, and a World Fantasy Award (Best Collection) for Moonlight and Vines. Charles is also an accomplished musician, playing in two Celtic bands, Wickentree and Jump at the Sun.

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