We Need Help!!! (Not that kind, silly!) Several of the Con's divisions are in need of volunteers, so please sign up! If you'd like to help out at the convention, please give one of the following folks a call - they need your help! Registration - At con: This consists mainly of staffing the registration desk and selling memberships "at the door", as well as hawking other Keycon memorabilia such as t-shirts and mugs. Cash handling experience is an asset, but not necessary. Volunteers are especially required for the big rush on Friday afternoon. Please contact Candace Harborne at (204) 669-9418 or at nou@mb.sympatico.ca. Operations: Ops handles many of the tasks behind the scenes that make the con run smoothly. Some duties may include security, set up and tear down, as well as whatever comes up to cover our @$$es. Please contact Jamie Koehler at (204) 957-0450 or at jamied@pangea.ca.
For any other volunteer related inquiries, just drop a line to: