Guest Biographies
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For more information, check out this site: As one fan site says in relation to Michael Sheard, "He's been in everything!" Michael's face and work are familiar to anyone who follows British TV, or science fiction on the small or big screens. His career has spanned four decades and many memorable roles. Perhaps the most immediately recalled appearance, for non-British audiences, anyway, is of course as Admiral Ozzel in The Empire Strikes Back. But Michael's career on TV and film includes a long string of roles. He's worked with 5 of the different Dr. Whos (more than any other actor) and his role as Mr. Bronson in the British TV series is remembered by many viewers. In fact, his book, Yes, Mr. Bronson: Memoirs of a Bum Actor was named for the character. Other appearances? More incarnations of Adolf Hitler than you can shake a stick at, including on the big screen in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; the movies High Road to China, Force 10 From Navarone, among others, and TV roles on Space 1999, Blake's Seven, Coronation Street, All Creatures Great and Small, and The New Avengers, plus hundreds more! This is one busy, working actor! So thanks, Michael, for keeping your schedule clear for us here at Keycon - we're looking forward to another great weekend! |